Horton CE VA Primary School is a voluntary aided Church of England Primary School. As such it has a Trust Deed which states that worship 'should be in accordance with the principles and practice of the Church of England'.
Collective worship takes account of the ages, aptitude and background of the pupils and is provided daily. Collective worship provides an opportunity for the children to explore, reflect upon and respond to the Christian faith, moral issues and their own beliefs. Participation and response are encouraged whether through active involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening to and joining in the worship offered. Collective Worship provides opportunities to develop community spirit and promote a common ethos based on the school’s Christian values.
The cycle of the church year is observed and services are regularly held in the Church for major festivals.
Collective worship is planned around the school’s values (one value per term) and the impact of this is evaluated. The vicar regularly leads worship in school.